Beef Steak Plant Brown Stem Base
| Tomato Disease Identification Key By Affected Plant Part: Stem and Whole Plant Symptoms |
Stem and Whole Plant Symptoms (Crown rot, damping off, roots, stunting, wilt, and vascular discoloration ) by Pathogen Groups and Other Causes. | |||||||||||||
Tomato Disease Identification Key
Bacterial | Plant Part Affected | Other parts affected | ||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | Characteristic Symptoms | |||
| Canker | X | X | X | browning of vascular tissue and browning and mealy appearance of pith at crown and above; external discoloration, enlargement of nodes and stem cracking sometimes occurs; yellow and necrosis of plant associated with plant wilt; foliage characteristically remains attached to plant | leaves, fruit |
| Speck | X | X | tiny, dark brown to black spots with surrounding yellow halo; may result in leaf and plant stunting | leaves, fruit | |
| Spot | X | X | dark brown, oval to elongated spots; coalesce to streaks; considerable loss of lower leaf foliage can occur | leaves, fruit | |
| Pith necrosis | X | X | X | yellowing and wilting of leaves, blacking and enlarging of petioles and nodes, and progressing to top of plant; yellowing and wilt of entire plant | leaves |
| Stem rot | X | X | outward blacking of stem and leaf tissue; blackened pith tissue | leaves | |
| Crown gall | X | X | X | plant stunting and wilting; gall formations obvious on roots | leaves |
| Bacterial wilt | X | X | X | yellowing followed by leaf necrosis and wilting of entire plant; longitudinal cutting of stem reveals brown vascular discoloration and eventual hollowness | leaves |
Fungal | ||||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||
Alternaria stem canker | X | X | dark brown stem cankers with concentric rings; cankers may girdle plant | leaves | ||
| Early blight | X | X | on stems appears as lesion with dark border and gray center; can encompass and girdle stem causing death of lower canopy leaves | leaves, fruit | |
| Damping off (Rhizoctonia) | X | X | responsible for damping off in the small seedling stage; causes restrictions near the plant crown resulting in wilting and death | leaves | |
| Fusarium crown and root rot | X | X | X | brown vascular tissue in stem from crown to slightly above; stem surface can be brown; roots are brown and rotting | |
| Fusarium wilt | X | X | X | brown vascular tissue in stem from crown to far above | |
| Gray leaf spot | X | symptoms are restricted to leaves and whole plant affects | leaves | ||
| Gray mold | X | X | large, light brown elliptical spots; gray fungal growth; lesions can girdle the stem resulting in plant death | leaves, fruit | |
Leaf mold | X | X | can result in considerable leaf defoliation but unlikely resulting in plant death | |||
Powdery mildew (Leveillula) | X | X | affected plants can show considerable defoliation, but not resulting in plant death | leaves | ||
| Powdery mildew (Oidium) | X | X | affected plants show considerable defoliation, but not resulting in plant death | leaves, flower parts | |
| Septoria leaf spot | X | X | dark elongated spots develop on petioles and stems leading to loss of lower canopy, and unthrifty plants; concern with overwintering inoculum for the next season | leaves, flower parts | |
| Southern blight | X | X | fungus can cause damping off or in older plants a crown rot leading to wilt and plant death; look for tan sclerotia in mass of whitish fungal growth above the soil line | ||
| White mold | X | X | brown soft rot of stem at crown or above; becomes light gray; white cottony fungal growth when moist; hard, black, pea-like objects (sclerotia) eventually form; causing wilt and eventual plant death | ||
| White mold minor | X | X | similar to above but with smaller sclerotia | ||
| Target spot | X | X | stem lesions may eventually girdle the stem and result in plant death | fruit, leaves | |
| Verticillium wilt | X | X | X | brown vascular tissue in stem at crown of plant; plants will wilt in the heat of the day | leaves |
Oomycetes | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | ||||
| Damping off (Pythium) | X | X | X | common cause of seedling loss with water-soaked and mushy stems; results in stem girdling and plant wilt and death | |
Buckeye rot | X | X | can cause seedling damping off; on older plants can cause vascular discoloration affecting roots and stem | fruit | ||
| Late Blight (several genotypes) | X | X | newer genotypes of late blight are more aggressive, especially to stems; plant death is common under wet and cool and moderately warm temperatures; see leaf and fruit section for more images | fruit, leaves |
Viruses | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | ||||
| Alfalfa mosaic | X | X | X | yellowing and bronzing with necrosis of leaves; leaves stop growing and curl downward; longitudinal cut of stem reveals brown streaking of phloem and pith; also noted in roots; frequently occurs when tomatoes are planted next to alfalfa (illustrated) or red clover infected fields | fruit, leaves |
| Cucumber mosaic | X | X | plant stunting and malformation of foliage is common especially if plants are infected at an early age | fruit, leaves | |
| Curly top | X | X | plants have an erect growth habit, are stunted and leaves are curled upward | fruit, leaves | |
| Potato leafroll | X | X | plants are stunted and have yellowing leafroll symptoms especially if infected at an early age | fruit, leaves | |
| Potato virus Y | X | X | plants are stunted and have downward curling leaves with mottle, veinbanding and possible necrosis depending on the strain involved | fruit, leaves | |
| Pseudo curly top | X | X | plants are stunted with greatly reduce foliage with upward curling leaves; found in south Florida and spread by treehoppers | fruit, leaves | |
| Tobacco etch | X | X | plants are stunted and foliage shows extensive rugosity when plants are infected at an early age | fruit, leaves | |
| Tobacco (tomato) mosaic | X | X | depending on the strain and age of plants when infected, plants are stunted with mosaic or fernleaf like symptoms | fruit, leaves | |
| Tobacco mosaic & potato virus X | X | X | plants are stunted and show a great amount of black streaks on leaves, stems and discoloration on fruit | fruit, leaves | |
| Tomato yellow leaf curl | X | X | a devastating viral diseases of cultivated tomato in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, and now present in southern US; denoted by plant stunting and pronounced chlorotic leaves that curl upward | leaves | |
| Tomato spotted wilt | X | X | Plants show a variety of symptoms depending on when plants are infected; young plants show necrotic streaks or spots along with leaf distortion; older plants show yellowing and bronzing on the foliage, stunt and wilting from the apical tissue to the lower plant parts | fruit, leaves |
Viroids | ||||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||
| Tomato bunchy top | X | X | stunting, apical proliferation, leaf narrowing, chlorosis, necrosis, crinkling and brittleness of leaf tissue | ||
| Tomato apical stunt | X | X | see above | ||
| Tomato planta macho | X | X | see above |
Phytoplasma | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | ||||
| Big bud | X | X | X | stiff erect growth, brittleness, leaf yellowing or purpling; aerial roots | fruit, leaves |
Nematodes | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | |||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | |||
Northern root-knot | X | X | |||
Southern root-knot | X | X |
Parasitic Plants | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | ||||
| Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) | X | X |
Damage From : | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | ||||
| 2,4-D | X | X | fernleaf-like symptoms of foliage with leaf curl and plant stunting | fruit, leaves | |
| Banvel | X | X | X | plant stem deforming with aerial foot initials | leaves |
| Treflan | X | X | X | stem and crown damage with swelling and loss of roots; whole plant stunting | leaves |
| Roundup | X | X | plant stunting and leaf rolling with leaf center chlorosis; degree of damage depends on dosage and plant stage at exposure | fruit, leaves |
Damage From : Insecticides | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | ||||
| Malathion | X | X | plant unthriftiness and marginal chlorosis and necrosis; seen with older formulations | leaves | |
| Thiodan | X | X | leaf and petiole burn but general no plant stunting; localized | leaves |
Damage From: Insects | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | ||||
| Broad mite | plants are stunted and leaves are irregularly shaped and twisted enough so as to show an overall pattern of affected plants in the field | ||||
| Hornworm | X | X | extensive removal of leaves, stems and petioles | fruit, leaves |
Damage From: Physiological/Weather | ||||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||
| Physiological leafroll | X | X | leafrolling seen on entire plant leading to an unthrifty appearing plant | leaves | |
| Walnut wilt | X | X | poor plant growth and plant wilt when plants are grown in the root zone of walnut and butternut trees | leaves | |
| Hail damage | X | X | spotty plant damage consisting of necrotic depressions and wholes to leaves, petioles and stems | fruit, leaves | |
| Lightning damage | X | X | damage occurs in circular pattern with most severely affected plants in center; branches, stems and petioles show shrinkage due to collapse of pith; ladder-like internal stem damage | leaves |
Damage From: Nutritional Disorders | Characteristic Symptoms | Other parts affected | ||||
Stem | Whole Plant | Roots | ||||
Nitrogen | X | X | plant stunting may occur and oldest leaves turn chlorotic and younger leaves turn yellowish-green | leaves | ||
| Phosphorous | X | X | leaves on young seedlings turn purplish and the leaves on older plants are unthrifty and turn reddish-purple on the undersides | leaves | |
| Magnesium | X | X | interveinal chlorosis begin on oldest leaves and continue to younger leaves; midribs remain green and leaves may become necrotic | leaves | |
Manganese | X | a checkerboard appearance of interveinal yellowing beginning on apical leaves and near the main veins | leaves | |||
Iron | X | X | interveinal yellowing or whitening beginning on apical leaves with veins remaining green | leaves |
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